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Legislative update - week of 1/23/17

Governor Rauner has called his approach ‘leverage.’ We call it irreparable harm and a failure of leadership.

It was a whirlwind of activity in Springfield this week that included the possibility of a “grand bargain” bill that would make unconstitutional changes to retirement security and put in place some of Rauner’s anti-middle-class “turnaround” demands.  Our members have been putting pressure on lawmakers to ensure that this bill does not pass and find its way to the Governor’s desk. We need to continue this pressure to keep and grow our vibrant middle class in Illinois. Click here for information on how to contact your state senator to let them know how giving into Rauner’s reckless demands will cause irreversible harm to your community. It only takes five minutes.  On Wednesday, Governor Rauner offered more of the same with his State of the State address, marking his second year as Governor while failing to pass one full budget.  IFT President Dan Montgomery was in Springfield for the speech and offered these words:

The State of Illinois has been around for 200 years. We’ve had a budget for 198 of them. Democrats and Republicans worked together before. The only difference now is Bruce Rauner. Today’s speech made it clear that Governor Rauner has accomplished very little in the last two years. He has held Illinois hostage, vetoing budgets that don't meet his unpopular, political demands, and driving our state downward into chaos. Look no further than our higher education system. Governor Rauner has called his approach ‘leverage.’ We call it irreparable harm and a failure of leadership. Tying the budget to anti-worker reforms is not only wrong, it's unnecessary. We can ask the most wealthy to pay their fair share and close corporate loopholes to help fund our state without harming working people.

For additional updates on legislation that affects our communities and our work, follow the IFT on Facebook and Twitter

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