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Important educator license renewal information for licenses that expired June 30, 2023

Dear IFT PreK-12 members,

If your Professional Educator License (PEL) expired June 30, 2023, you still have time to renew without penalty until August 31, 2023.

Please follow the instructions below if you still need to renew your license or if you are unsure.

Confirmation of Renewal: To confirm that your license has been successfully renewed, please log in to your Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS) account. Once logged in, navigate to the Credentials page and check the "Expire Date" of your license.

Renewal Instructions: If you have not renewed your license yet, please follow the step-by-step instructions provided on the ISBE website to renew each type of license you hold, if applicable.

Important Note: For PEL, ELS-CTE, or ELS-CSBO license holders, please be aware that the deadline for renewal is August 31, 2023.

Lapsed licenses: If your license is not renewed by August 31, your license will lapse which could jeopardize your employment. In the event of a lapsed license, you will have two options for reinstatement:

1. Complete nine semester hours of coursework in one or more of your endorsement

areas; or

2. Pay a $50 penalty fee

If you have any questions or encounter any issues during the renewal process, contact your Regional Office of Education (ROE) or Intermediate Service Center (ISC).

Avoid costly penalties for a lapsed license by renewing your license today!

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