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IL House and Senate pass HB 2778
Governor's signature needed - EMAIL NOW!

Thanks to your efforts, the Illinois House and Senate overwhelmingly passed House Bill 2778, establishing wage and benefit protections for education employees. But we still need your help. For the bill to become law, Governor Pritzker must sign it.

Please take two minutes to email the governor and urge him to sign HB 2778!

HB 2778 is critical legislation for education employees. It provides two things:

  • Paid time off for educators and staff at K-12 schools, public universities, and community colleges when the employee or the employee's children must quarantine because of COVID illness or exposure. This will ensure that education employees don't exhaust their sick days or lose pay when they are quarantined because of COVID. The benefit is available to employees who are in compliance with the mandate to be vaccinated or tested weekly.

  • Paycheck protection for K-12 food service, custodial, transportation and other non-instructional employees who are unable to perform their jobs remotely when a school is closed or an e-learning day is triggered for COVID safety reasons.

Email Governor Pritzker now and urge him to sign this important legislation!

HB 2778 would guarantee that education employees are treated fairly and promotes economic recovery while ensuring that schools are safe for those who learn and work in them.

Please email Governor Pritzker NOW and urge him to sign HB 2778. The email is pre-drafted and takes less than two minutes to send. Thanks for your continued action.

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