It’s more important than ever that we continue our work to pass a Fair Tax for Illinois. In order to promote safety in this unprecedented time, the IFT has put together this list of ways you can keep organizing in your community online.
Share posts, graphics, videos, and links on social media.
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
Send us a video explaining why passing the Fair Tax is important to you and your community.
Sign up to receive more tips and tools.
Vote YES on the Fair Tax ballot referendum this November.
join these ift Members and say yes to fairness
Fact vs fiction graphics
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news you can use
‘Vote Yes for Fair Tax’ coalition urging Illinoisans to vote for November’s constitutional amendment
Graduated income tax could ‘relieve’ property tax pressure, advocates say
Everything you need to know about the proposed graduated income tax
Column: Now more than ever, Illinois needs a progressive state income tax
How do we thank ‘essential workers?’ Vote for a graduated Illinois income tax on Nov. 3
Rural, downstate counties to benefit most from Pritzker 'fair tax'