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I see what you are doing

Wednesday, November 20 (and the third Wednesday of every November!) is PSRP Day in Illinois, an annual day to show appreciation for the more than 100,000 dedicated paraprofessionals and school related personnel (PSRPs) who provide essential services in classrooms, school offices, cafeterias, buses, and more.


by: Beth Sonneborn | IFT Media Director

Paraprofessional, Instructional Assistant, Teacher Aide, Educational Assistant, or simply School Staff…you go by many names. No matter what title you hold, I’m not sure people realize all that you do, but I want you to know that I see what you are doing.

I see you early in the morning as you greet my daughter at the drop off lane in front of the school. I see how you smile with excitement about another day as she grabs your hand when you help her out of the car. I see you in class pictures sitting with my child. I see the gentle hand you use to guide her through the classroom and how you keep a watchful eye on her to make sure she isn’t alone and that she is always safe.

I know that you have been there for my child as she struggles to keep up with the other kids. I heard how you placed your hands under her head to help protect her from the hard ground when she stumbled in the hall. I know that you have walked the empty track a million times with my little one when she couldn’t participate in certain activities. I know you follow a work schedule far more complicated than mine, moving between speech, specials, and grade levels without missing a beat. I know that you help my child with the smallest of tasks. You’ve learned her personality, her quirks, her strengths and her weaknesses. Yes, I see what you are doing.

I know you have days that are rewarding. I can see the love and trust my child has for you, and I hope you see that too. I also know you have days that are exhausting and discouraging. Thank you for not giving up. Because of your unconditional support for children like mine, my daughter knows that each day is a new day and that she is worth showing up for.

Yes, I see what you are doing. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. My child notices you. I notice you. And I am grateful for you.

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